Inbreeding analiza - Ma'Frann's Facebook

Inbreeding Calculator Beta

by Sam Kauffman of Zika Hamstery

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    Broj generacija: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
    Lucky For You Armani
    MET Border Coll. 1182/07
    Bayshore's Count Chocula
    MET Border Coll. 787/H/05
    Bayshore's Hot Fudge Royale
    AKC DN03761605
    Borderfame Choc Chill
    AKC DL82596301
    Lucratif Original Chill
    ANKC 610002000
    Borderfame Ravers Delite
    ANKC 1566433
    Glentress Winta Reaction
    AKC DL83472101
    Glentress Chain Reaction
    ANKC 1280181
    Glentress Winta Elegance
    Borderfame Turkish Delite
    AKC DL83472301
    Lucratif Original Chill
    ANKC 610002000
    Ulara Lignite Luke
    Mylawn Kadbury Rose
    Borderfame Ravers Delite
    ANKC 1566433
    Borderfame Bravo
    ANKC 979042
    Borderfame Royal Jewel
    ANKC 1322633
    Valvolgy Szep Aqua
    MET Border Coll. 423/03
    Nahrof Foreign Fantasy
    MET Border Coll. 313/H/02, ANKC 2100138118
    Nahrof Shadow Of Mercy
    FIN 24381/03, ANKC 210052801
    Glentress Show No Mercy
    Wiralee Moon Shadow
    Nahrof Don't Mean A Thing
    ANKC 210004272
    Bonny Earl Of Carlanrig
    Nahrof Echoes Of An Era
    ANKC 1583699
    Borderguard Echo
    MET Border Coll. 211/02
    Ghent Bohemia Alke
    Krislyn Bomber At Beagold
    KC 0540CF
    Atma Bohemia Alke
    Borderguard Bridge
    MET Border Coll. 21/98
    Clan-Abby Nz's Black Magic
    MET Border Coll. 7/H/96
    Toni From Scottish Hemp Vom Beutenhof
    MET Border Coll. 2/H/96
    HR 10266
    Mawlch Moss
    HR 10061 (ISDS 276306)
    ISDS 247900, LOSH 860701
    Ultimate Rob
    ISDS 209527, KC V0095884V04
    ISDS 161487
    ISDS 161393
    Nell Of Aalst
    ISDS 208331, KC U0096088U04
    ISDS 184037
    ISDS 168955
    Mawlch Meg Bartolovi Dvori
    HR 10034 (ISDS 266862, SLR BOC 000131)
    Moel Craig
    ISDS 238635, LOI 0082380
    Bwlch Hemp
    ISDS 201604
    Dolwen Fan
    ISDS 201083
    Mawlch Cal
    HR 10011 (ISDS 251023)
    Maeglin Xmac
    ISDS 236929, LOSH 821142
    Germal Handy Lass
    HR 10000 (ISDS 219089, KC V3069706V04)
    Plum Parcel Paw Cinderella
    HR 10088 (MET Border Coll. 987/06)
    Flower Of Old Hill Alfred
    MET Border Coll. 48/99
    Clan-Abby Nz's Black Magic
    MET Border Coll. 7/H/96
    Glentress Chain Reaction
    ANKC 1280181
    Hiland Haze Of Clan-Abby
    NZKC 04262/1988
    Borderguard Anne Marie
    MET Border Coll. 12/97
    Dykebar Reach For Glory
    ÖHZB BORC 290
    Toni From Scottish Hemp Vom Beutenhof
    MET Border Coll. 2/H/96
    Flash Dance Of Forestry Farm
    MET Border Coll. 173/01
    Caristan Love Edition
    MET Border Coll. 42/H/99
    Caristan Champers
    KC 1226BZ
    Caristan Love-A-Lot-Bear
    KC 3595CF
    Black Brilliant Of Forestry Farm
    MET Border Coll. 27/98
    Detania Beauregarde At Zeabo
    GS 034349, MET Border Coll. 15/H/97
    Jephanil Kamella
    MET Border Coll. 1/H/95